Does Sage Help Menopause?

We’ve all heard about sage’s therapeutic and medicinal properties. But did you know this fascinating herbal medicine can alleviate menopausal symptoms? It’s true!

In this blog post, we’ll explore how sage supports reduces hot flashes and sweating caused by menopause. Further in the article, we’ll uncover its different forms and things to consider:

Research and Effectiveness of Sage for Menopause

Sage, scientifically called salvia, is a medicinal herb from the mint family. People have used this plant for healing for generations, and current studies prove its effectiveness. 

In fact, insightful research reveals that the severity of fatigue, hot flashes, concentration, and night sweats decreased significantly after using sage extract. Another study shows that consuming this herb alleviated menopausal symptoms like flushing, palpitations, muscle pain, sleep and mood disorders, and night sweat.

Besides this, a controlled study comprising 71 menopausal women found that a fresh sage extract lowered the severity and number of hot flashes. Another research revealed that taking sage with alfalfa daily minimized hot flashes and night sweats.

What are the Different Forms of Sage?

Although most people enjoy sage in tea, the medicinal herb is also available as a capsule and essential oil. When using the sage essential oil, you must read the directions on the bottle to ensure you don’t ingest more than the recommended amount. Excessive amounts of essential oil (over 12 drops) can harm your health.

Moreover, since research supports the efficacy of sage supplementations in menopausal symptoms, you can follow recommended dosages to improve symptoms. It’s best to start with a 2500mg standardized sage capsule to identify what amount best suits your needs. 

What are the Risks and Things to Consider for Sage

Since there are over 900 varieties of sage, you must research the type before you take it. While there are no reports of adverse side effects of sage consumption, the herb comprises a volatile oil called thujone.

Therefore, when used in excess, the neurotoxin in sage can impact your nervous system and trigger a convulsion-producing effect. It can also interfere with diabetes medication and anticonvulsant drugs. In addition, it can cause the following side effects:

  • Kidney Damage

  • Rapid Heartbeat

  • Restlessness

  • Seizures

  • Vertigo

  • Vomiting

So, when seeking sage supplements, buy ones that are thujone-free. We also recommend consulting your doctor before taking new capsules. 

FAQs for Sage

Q1. Does sage increase estrogen?

Ans. Sage is an effective herbal medicine supporting estrogen balance to alleviate menopausal symptoms. The beneficial herb can produce an anti-estrogen effect.

Q2. What is the best herb to use for menopause?

Ans. Sage is the perfect herb for combating menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweating, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, and fatigue. Besides this, you can try red clover, wild yam, and linseed.

Q3. How long does sage take to stop hot flushes?

Ans. Different people respond differently to herbs, including sage. But most studies report improvements within four to eight weeks.

Q4. What are the side effects of sage tablets for menopause?

Ans. Although most studies suggest sage is safe for consumption, others report it can cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. So, discuss with your family doctor before trying a new supplement.



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